Monday, July 13, 2009


At the end of April, Justin and I packed our things and moved to Costa Mesa, California. It was beautiful, and seemed like the perfect place to live. We were five minutes away from the South Coast Plaza and maybe ten minutes away from anything else. It was always sunny and perfect. We had a huge swimming pool with cabanas and barbeques. It's was so nice. See pictures below.

Then in May, we packed up and moved to Corning, California. It is so different from Costa Mesa. We don't even feel like we're in California. It's so crazy. It is such a small town. Our apartment is so different! And we don't dare touch the swimming pool! See pictures below (pictures look better than how it really is). Our neighbors above us throw all their garbage onto our deck and blare their music early in the morning. Spiders out here are insane. They are everywhere and they are huge. And I'm so petrified of them, so it's not good. And I lost it the other day when we were coming home from a movie and saw a snake right in front of our apartment! Justin and some other guys killed it, but I'm officially freaked out. We have to drive at least twenty minutes either way to do anything. Our lives consists of watching movies everynight. We're currently watching Desperate Housewives, which is amazing, and Saturdays we go out to see a movie. We finished the first season of Desperate housewives and while we're waiting for the second season to come, we have watched Push, Knowing, The Tale of Despereaux, Street Fighter and Public Enemies and they have all been so stupid! Justin and I are about to go crazy! Movies keep us sane out here in Corning! They are our two hour getaway. We are counting down the days until our second season of Desperate Housewives comes!


  1. Seeing pictures of our old apartment makes me so sad!! I loved it there! Lets live there when we are old and rich together and sit in the cabana's with our big hats! :)

  2. I don't know about living there year round, but I'm definately for having a place there and sitting with our big hats! Woo!
